How to Stay Active When Working From Home

How to Stay Active When Working From Home

February 1, 2023

If you’re working from home, it’s easy to get into an exercise slump. These tips will help you stay active using desk exercises and equipment so you can keep your fitness level up. By making some small changes to your work-from-home routine, you’ll be surprised how much movement you can get in during the course of a day. And staying active will boost your physical and mental health, making you a more focused, happy employee, so it’s a win all around. 

Benefits of Staying Active

There are many benefits to staying active, including reducing your risk of chronic diseases and helping with weight management. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, and increase the risk of high blood pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, depression, and anxiety, according to the World Health Organization. 

When working from home, it’s tempting to get sucked into an inactive lifestyle that includes walking from your desk to the fridge as the main movement. Learning ways to add activity to your WFH life will help you improve your health and happiness. 

Adults should get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of muscle-strengthening activity, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Although this may sound like a lot, when you break it down, you can do 25-minute cardio workouts six times a week and two strength sessions. With a little creativity and flexibility, you can get in more active time even when working from home. 



Tips to Stay Active When Working From Home

Staying active offers many physical benefits and also can improve your mood and even boost your focus. So making an effort to get moving when working from home will benefit your body and mind and could even improve your work performance. These tips will help you increase your activity level when you work from home:


1. Schedule your workouts. It’s easy to get caught up in work and the day flies by without hardly any movement, much less a workout. Prevent this problem by scheduling your workouts. Choose a time when you can dedicate yourself to the workout without interruptions. Before work or during your lunch break are great options, as most people find it easier to stick with workouts earlier in the day. If you don’t plan ahead, you may feel tired at the end of the day and it will be more tempting to skip your workout. Download the Cubii mobile app and try a free, on-demand Cubii workout class that you can take at any time. Classes are offered in 15-, 20-, 30-, and 45-minute lengths to fit seamlessly into your current routine.


2. Exercise at your desk. Your desk can double as a workout station with the right equipment. Get in your workout while you take video calls and fill out reports with the convenience of a under-desk elliptical that you can pedal as you work. Check out the Cubii seated ellipticals for convenient exercise compact ellipticals that fit under your desk or choose to bundle a portable elliptical with Cubii accessories to save


3. Walk during phone calls. When you have non-video calls, try going for a walk outside or hopping on the treadmill. This is a great way to get your daily steps in while still getting work done. You’ll probably be amazed at how many steps you can take when you’re doing work calls. 


4. Set reminder alarms. When you work from home, you may find yourself caught up in work and stuck to screens. Set an alarm to remind you to move at least every two hours so you can get in some cardio time and reduce muscle stiffness from sitting still for too long. Even if you take a 4-minute movement break, you’ll be making progress toward your activity goals. 


5. Try an exercise ball chair or standing desk. Traditional desks can be rigid and conducive to staying still, but moving around will help your health and prevent muscle weakness. Try a standing desk or exercise ball as a chair to give your body positions that require more core strength and movement than regular desk chairs. Another option is to put desk exercise equipment under your desk for an activity boost. 


6. Use small equipment. You don’t need a fully stocked gym to get in a great workout. Small equipment - such as the Cubii under-desk ellipticals - helps you get in your activity requirements without taking up a lot of space. Some other useful home workout equipment includes wearable weights or dumbbells for strength training. 


7. Be flexible. Sometimes workflow changes throughout the day and you can’t always predict your break times. Try to adapt to the circumstances and squeeze in some activity when you get breaks. 


8. Get creative with your break time. When you have work breaks, do some push-ups, try jogging in place for a few minutes, dance to your favorite song, or hop on your home exercise equipment. Use your imagination and you’ll find your activity minutes adding up quickly. 


9. Take stretch breaks. Sitting for too long in the same position can cause muscle stiffness and reduce your joints’ range of motion. Remedy this with some short stretch breaks. Do dynamic stretches like arm circles, neck circles, walking lunges, and hip circles to stay limber. 


10. Add entertainment to your workout. If you’re working out before work or during break time, make it fun by adding your favorite playlist or listening to a podcast or audiobook you enjoy. You can also tune in to a workout video for an extra boost of motivation and guidance. Cubii’s FREE online wellness platform, Studio+, offers on-demand access to 300+ expert guided classes, available online or in the Cubii app! Choose from a wide variety of categories, durations, and instructors to meet your personal needs.



Best Exercises for Working From Home

Even if you have a small WFH office, there are many ways to stay active when you’re working from home. Exercises that are adaptable and require small equipment or no equipment are best for home environments. Some exercises that are well-suited for working from home include:

 • Under-desk Elliptical
Strength training with resistance bands
Strength training with weights
• Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and burpees
• Mat pilates 
Walking with wearable weights
• Dancing
• Yoga
• Jumping rope


Keep On Moving

Although working from home can encourage staying in one place for long periods, there are ways you can stay active and still get your work done. With a little creativity and flexibility and the right equipment, you can rack up active minutes and reap the rewards of a healthier body and mind. 

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