Motivational Tips For Getting Started

Motivational Tips For Getting Started

December 28, 2022

15 Tips to Get Motivated for Workouts


If you’re ready to kick-start your fitness journey, this article will give you the motivational tips you need to get moving. Whether you’re a beginner or just getting back into a workout program after a break, it can be daunting to get started. Luckily, there are ways to motivate yourself and even enjoy the process. With the right tips, you will be moving steadily forward in your fitness journey and slaying your goals.


Here are some tips to help you get motivated as you embark on your fitness program:

Determine your WHY. This is the main reason you are beginning a fitness program. It may be health concerns, weight loss, or the desire to accomplish a goal like running a 5K race. Whatever your why is, once you clarify it, you will feel more motivated to get moving. Any time you struggle during your workouts, think about your why for an extra push to keep going.


Experiment with new exercises. Don’t be afraid to try new workouts and exercises as you figure out what types of movement you like. You may want to try low-impact cardio like cycling or walking with wearable weights or strength training workouts with free weights. Studio+ Cubii workouts are a great option if you're looking to use your Cubii under-desk elliptical more and being taught by expert trainers. Be open to new exercises as you embark on your fitness journey, and you may be surprised to find new activities you love.


Find movement you enjoy. Once you’ve done some dabbling in different workout types, you can find what you really enjoy and focus on that exercise. Picking an activity you enjoy will increase your chances of sticking with your new workout routine, and you will have more fun in the process.


Set S.M.A.R.T. goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This means picking realistic, attainable goals that you can measure. Be specific as you set your fitness goals. This will increase your chances of success and help you stay motivated on your fitness journey. If you are a beginner, I recommend choosing smaller goals to start, and you can create bigger goals once you achieve the small ones.


Break down big goals into smaller milestones. When you’re starting out, if you have a big goal, break it up into smaller milestones. For instance, if your goal is to run a 5K and you are not currently a runner, you can break this down into milestones like running 1 mile, running 2 miles, and finally, running 3.1 miles (5K). Setting smaller milestones will help you see your progress and feel more confident to continue with your fitness program.


Pace yourself. It’s tempting to set out on a new workout program and go over the top with workout length and intensity. But to increase your chances of sticking to your program in the long term and prevent getting burned out, start slow. Pace yourself and focus on consistency over high quantity.


Add on incrementally. An important principle of working out is to add no more than 10 percent to your workout program, in either time, weight, or intensity, from week to week. This is called the Principle of Progression, and it helps to minimize your risk of injury while giving your muscles time to adapt to new training. So if you normally work out for 100 minutes a week, for instance, you can add 10 percent, or 10 minutes, to your total workout time the following week. This will also help you stay motivated as you keep your fitness goals achievable.


Track your progress. Tracking your progress is an important part of setting S.M.A.R.T. goals and will help you stay accountable and motivated. There are so many phone apps and fitness trackers available that make tracking your progress easy.


Reward yourself for milestones. When you reach milestones and goals, reward yourself. Indulge in some spa treatments, celebrate with friends or family, or buy yourself some new fitness gear to enjoy.


Don’t be afraid to fall. Everyone has challenges that arise during life and training, so don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout or get off track. Simply restart the next day and begin again. Life is full of restarts, even for pro athletes and top fitness trainers.


Make it fun. Add fun to your workouts by creating a playlist you love or listening to your favorite audiobook or podcast while you sweat. If you go outside for your workouts, check out new trails and explore places that inspire you.


Enlist support. Work out with a friend or family member, or take your dog along for walks or runs. Making your workouts social will help you have more fun and accountability and it will help inspire those around you too.


Share your progress. You may want to post your progress on a fitness social network or create a social media account to share your fitness journey. Allowing others to cheer you on for your workouts can be very motivating and inspiring.


Be flexible. Inevitably setbacks will arise but being able to roll with the punches and return to your fitness routine will help you succeed in the long run. Be flexible and squeeze in workouts when you can - on your lunch break, in 10-minute segments, or early in the mornings. Flexibility will help you thrive in your fitness journey.


Create a vision board. Writing down your goals and posting related images will help you stay motivated. Create a collage showcasing what drives you and where you want to be and this can help you stay on track with your program.


Getting motivated to start a new fitness program takes courage, and staying motivated takes practice. Experiment with these tools to see what helps you stick to your fitness program, and don’t be afraid to come up with your own techniques as well. If you stay focused on what drives you, set realistic and achievable goals, and make your workouts fun, you will find success in your program. Happy sweating to you, and may you enjoy the journey!

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