Desk Exercises That Help You Stay Fit

Desk Exercises That Help You Stay Fit

February 27, 2023

"It’s time to get moving!" or "It’s time to take a break!"  We’ve become accustomed to seeing both messages everywhere we look, from our smart fitness watches to other devices- even our streaming services are even checking on us.   

While it might quickly become tiresome to see these messages every few hours, they are there for a good reason.  If we are busy working or absorbed in one of our favorite shows, it is too easy to forget to get up and move around. 

This article discusses some of the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle and some activities you can do at your desk, whether at home or in an office.   


How does sitting damage the body?

Sitting does more than increase your risk for certain conditions. There are also physical changes that occur due to long periods of sitting.

  • Loss of core strength
  • Increased spinal pressure
  • Weaker and tighter legs, glutes, and hips.
  • Stiff neck and shoulders


How much movement should we get each day? 

Adults should get about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity movement a week, or about 30 minutes a day, five days a week, a recommendation per the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.  Additionally, adults should incorporate at least two days of strength training into their exercise program.

However, for those looking to minimize the risks of prolonged sitting, the risk scale is as follows: 

  • Low risk: sitting for less than four hours per day
  • Moderate risk: four to eight hours of sitting per day 
  • High risk: more than eight to eleven hours of sitting per day 
  • Very high risk: more than eleven hours of sitting per day

According to, those working at desks all day should practice the sit to stand technique every 30 minutes, which could include walking while talking about projects or standing whenever someone enters your office.  

What exercises can you do at your desk?

If you work from home or in an office, you likely don’t have a choice but to be at your desk for most of your workday.  Luckily, there are ways to stay active even at the computer.  


Aerobic exercises

  • Walking: Walking is a great aerobic exercise, and fortunately, with the recent uptick in the number of people working from home, there are many options for walking pads that you can use under the desk or anywhere else.  An additional piece of equipment you’ll need is an adjustable desk that you can raise whenever you want to walk. To take your walking workout to the next level, add wearable weights.


  • Under-desk Elliptical: Cubii seated ellipticals allow you to stay active as you work.  Besides a good pair of shoes you likely already have, no additional equipment is needed. Simply place the portable elliptical under your desk or your favorite place to work, and begin pedaling! The adjustable resistance levels offer you a more customized Cubii workout experience and the whisper-quiet design is perfect for video and phone calls. If you're looking for more of a guided experience, download the Cubii mobile app to try a free Studio+ workout class or a bite-sized Cubii Wellness Journii challenge.


Strength training

You can do resistance and strength training in your chair or standing - both with weights and without. 


With weights: 

  • Seated shoulder presses: Sit forward on your chair, hold your weights in each hand, and position your arms at a 90-degree angle like a goal post.  Push the weights over your head, then return your arms to the original position.  Do sets of 10. 
  • Biceps curls: Either sitting or standing, hold your weights by your side with your palms facing forward.  Bending your arms, bring the weights up until they almost touch your upper bicep/shoulder, then return them to the starting position.  Do a set of 10. 
  • Bent over rows: Holding weights in both hands with palms facing toward your body, bend your knees slightly, and hinge forward. Start by letting your hand dangle toward the ground, then pull the weights toward your body, keeping your arms hinged to your sides. Weight will come up toward your hip and return to the starting position. Do sets of 10. 


Without weights: 

  • Leg raises:  In a seated position, lift both legs to a fully extended position where your legs are parallel to the ground.  Return them down to the ground and repeat for ten counts. 
  • Invisible chair sits: Use a chair stop to ensure your chair won’t roll away, then move as if you will sit in your chair; however, hover just above it before standing up again.  Do sets of 10.
  • Desk push-ups: Ensure your desk is secure and won’t move before you begin.  Then place your hands along the edge of your desk and walk your feet behind you until your body is at a 45-degree angle. Next, lower your body until your chest almost touches the desk (or as far down as you can), then return to the starting position.  Do sets of 10. 
  • Wall sits: Stand against a wall and lower yourself as if you’re going to sit in a chair by bending your knees and pushing your butt back.  Once your upper legs and butt are parallel to the ground, stand up and repeat. You can hold a sitting position for 10 to 30 seconds or a ten count of the whole movement.



  • Forward bends: From a standing position, bend forward at the waist running your hands along the front of your legs as far as you can.  Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then return to standing. 
  • Upper body stretch: In a seated position, raise your arms above your head and clasp your hands together.  Turn your hands over so the palms face the ceiling, and push up as if you’re trying to lift something above your head.  Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds.  
  • Shoulder and chest stretch: Putting your hands behind your back (lower back), clasp your hands together, and lift your hands until you feel the stretch in the front of your shoulders and upper chest.  Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds. 
  • Neck stretches: In a seated position with your shoulders relaxed, bend your neck so that your right ear comes down toward your shoulder.  Hold that for 10 to 30 seconds, then do the same on the left side. Once you’ve returned your head to a neutral position, bring your chin to your chest, also holding it for 10 to 30 seconds.  Then, push your head back as you look up at the ceiling.


Tips on getting started with your desk exercises

  • Start slow and build up from your current activity level to avoid injury 
  • Make sure you have proper clothing and shoes so that you don’t end up with skin irritation
  • Be sure to stay hydrated while exercising 
  • Make sure you have a clear space to do your exercises, whether using a walking pad, the Cubii seated elliptical or weights


The Final Takeaway

More Americans today are working sedentary jobs than ever.  Unfortunately, several health risks are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, including diabetes, heart disease, anxiety, and depression.  

Fortunately, minimizing the time you are sitting and being active helps to counteract the risks.  Some ideas for staying active while working at a desk all day include strength training, aerobic exercise, and stretching.  And there are plenty of options for doing just that, including weighted shoulder presses, leg raises, and wall sits. 

Whether you take a walking break every 30 minutes or use an under-desk elliptical while you work, staying active throughout your workday can reduce the risks of being sedentary while delivering extra perks!


So get moving every day! 


  1. 14 Benefits of Strength Training, Backed by Science (

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